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Towards the Light

Towards the Light

Regular price $256.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $256.00 NZD
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Print Number

Giclee Fine Art Paper

"Ahh, the light! This is the moment every photographer and artist dream of seeing.
I was tramping in the Whakapapa area near the Taranaki falls when suddenly the light glistened through the clouds that encompassed Mt Ruapehu. I’d been watching a Karearea (New Zealand Falcon) flying overhead when to my amazement it landed not far from where we stood. My friends were only to keen to race over for a closer look. We were graced with its presence long enough to take some lovely photos to remember this treasured moment. I believe these birds live in this beautiful valley where the Wairere Stream flows."

“Kia mau ki te tokanga nui a noho”
There is no place like home

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